Mining Digital September 2022 | Page 26

Beakon Australian case study

“ Fleet management software will revolutionise companies ’ ability to DIGITALLY TRANSFORM their business operations ”

Such plans usually contain a short description of the overall approach to risk management , as well as a summary of activities or events that pose risk and clarification of responsibilities . The best risk assessment plans are also integrated into project management plans .

Beakon Australian case study

Standardised contractor pre-qualification processes Having visibility onthird-party suppliers and contractors is a prerequisite for managing supply chain risk . ‘ Prequalification ’ is a term used in procurement and supply chain management , and is a pre-screening process of predetermined , criteria against which competing contractors and suppliers are measured .
Centralised document storage Contractors need to have sufficient qualifications and experience to complete the job competently and safely . Storing
To protect workers , the Australian mining industry are re-examining their processes and how they manage every aspect of their operation .
Companies are striving for greater visibility in order to gain a deep understanding of how they work , who works , and their workflow , in particular with contractors .
Despite a greater need for sourcing , reporting , tracking and performance management , visibility remains clouded and there is added pressure for cost efficiencies and greater productivity .
26 September 2022