Mining Digital September 2022 | Page 25

INTSITE focuses on AI to boost efficiencies

INTSITE focuses on AI to boost efficiencies

Over the past decade , mining productivity as measured by MPI has declined 3.5 % per year . Mining companies are 28 % less efficient today than they were 10 years ago , and , there is a productivity decline in commodities such as copper , iron ore , coal , and platinum group metals , across most mining players , and all major mining geographies . With the collapse in mining profitability over the past three years , the industry is seeking once more to raise productivity , and is on the look-out for the next breakthrough to increase process efficiency and safety . In mining , the excavator sets the pace for the process . Therefore , optimising its activity can save time , lower costs , and add an additional layer of safety .
Registers are large documents , or online systems , that act as a risk repository to help businesses fulfil regulatory requirements around health and safety .
As well as identifying risks , other ways in which a register helps keep mining employees safe is by ranking risk , and also providing guidance on risk management strategies .
Firms such as Rapid - which offers a realtime dashboard to manage contractors and ensure workplace compliance - understand the challenges those working in the mining industry face on inducting and managing people .

“ Enterprises enjoy faster revenue , reduced costs , LESS RISK , and better compliance , as well as efficiencies fuelled by ICI experiences within the Microsoft product suite ”

Its solutions for mining are designed to help mining businesses to induct and manage contractors and miners , onboard workers , induct , monitor site access and report incidents all in one place .
A contractor risk-management plan ensures the on-site health and safety of contractors and employees . The development process is designed to ensure businesses plan , document , and learn about new procedures on a project-byproject basis .
For project managers are key to health and safety . Together with leaders , they preempt risk associated with a given contractor by developing a risk management plan .