Mining Digital November 2021 | Page 24

“ A lot of solutions at the moment are trying to besqueeze into a one-size-fits-all solution . For us , with persona-based approaches , we can be very targeted when solving problems specific to those industries ”

Title of the video

“ A lot of solutions at the moment are trying to besqueeze into a one-size-fits-all solution . For us , with persona-based approaches , we can be very targeted when solving problems specific to those industries ”
contributing ? What are people contributing ? And once we ’ re able to see the data across the board , we start to see potential and ask the following questions : What if I changed this product ? What if I produce a few more of them ? And what will happen if I change this step ? What if I do these shifts ? With a digital twin , we can simulate these different scenarios and actually help our customers plan their manufacturing operations ,” explains Verma .
“ With IoT , our customers can start collecting quality data to help them automatically detect a lot of the defects that were previously only visible by a person or a process at a later stage . It gives them a lot more insight into how a process can be done and on a faster scale . The quality is measured at a much higher speed and a much higher level . One of the biggest use cases in this is around maintenance failures . We can use IoT technologies to reduce catastrophic failure , which means we can predict failures in advance , and the maintenance schedules can be optimised to the way items are used , which will overall reduce the cost for the manufacturer and ensure they meet their commitments ,” adds Verma .
24 November 2021