Mining Magazine October 2019 | Page 12


The construction of the Çöpler Sulfide Plant is a game-changer for intermediate gold producer Alacer


T he Çöpler Sulfide Expansion Project ( CSEP ) was completed on time and ~ 10 % under its projected budget of $ 744mn . The project was delivered 13 million hours Lost Time Injury ( LTI ) free , and with a Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate ( TRIFR ) of 1.84 per million hours – a record that Chief Operating Officer Stewart Beckman describes as a “ stellar ” achievement for the more than 3,000-strong team responsible for construction and the operations team , who are responsible for ramping up and running the new plant .

The successful completion of the CSEP , combined with its operational oxide plant , will provide Alacer ’ s Çöpler Gold Mine with a strong foundation for at least the next 20 years . “ For approximately 10 years we have produced gold by processing oxide ore through our heap leach plant . Underneath the oxide ores are sulfide ores that also contain gold , but gold that cannot be recovered by simple leaching . Nature converted the top of the deposit to oxide ore by slowly oxidising the sulfide ores . The construction of the Çöpler Sulfide Plant gives us the ability to accelerate the process and rapidly