Mining Magazine November 2016 | Page 20

to getting the ball rolling hasn ’ t been without its complications .
With any new mining operation , the first steps will always involve getting people , communities and governments to buy into the vision of the mine plan .
From the start , Alphamin has been lucky to have a defined premier resource in tin and significant investor backing . Kamstra admits that this is not enough to “ get you over the line .”
“ One needs a good team and the support of the people around you where you are building and plan to operate , particularly the politicians ,” says Kamstra .
Through continuous discussions with the local government , Alphamin was allowed to show the outlook and plan for the project . The company , through these discussions , went out and generated significant results ready to move onto the next phase of production .
“ One of the riskiest things for a politician to do is to back a policy or an initiative as there is risk involved . With us however , going through the process with the government has helped us gain incredible support from them ,” he says .
Logu Bridge - July 2016
The road to success A significant challenge for Alphamin has been the development of an access road to the Bisie Tin Project . There was already a road between Goma and Walikale , but one of the first developments for Alphamin was constructing a 30km access road that initially will be to expedite mobilisation of construction and eventually to move resources to and from the project .
Access to the site originally was only possible via a one-day walk ,
20 November 2016