Mining Magazine November 2016 | Page 12

Q & A
avoid a hard landing . Japan remains in its own , unique slough of despond , as if standing as a permanent rebuke about the limits of government and central bank power when trying to stimulate growth . If an easy metaphor for the world economy is the US as the engine of growth trying to drag the rest of the world out of recession / depression , the current situation is a salutary reminder that there have been several instances in history when the trailer has dragged the truck back into recession , rather than the other way around – all of which has led to a situation in which governments are trying ever more novel ‘ solutions ’ to the growth problem and populations are finding ever more diverse ( desperate ?) ways of showing their disapprobation .
How much of a role has governments and politics played in this ? As a result , migration is endemic , the UK has voted to leave Europe and America is in the midst of its most bitter election battle for decades . With the central bank arsenal now roundly depleted and with a debt-deflation purge of the system regarded as politically unpalatable , not surprisingly , politicians are adopting ever more outlandish strategies to try to spur growth . But with government finances now the worst since most countries
12 November 2016