SMART DECISIONS . SMART COMMODITIES . industry is now seeing .
“ The downturn affected everyone but now we are seeing a more open mind set , with more conversations on how to better utilise technologies to bring about better cost effectiveness ,” says Garg .
With any form of technology and adoption of said technology , there is an unavoidable element of risk involved . Risk is almost inherent with technology and this is evident across the mining space , particularly when it comes to time frames , from proof of concept to physical evidential benefits .
Technologies such as SAP solutions have been used across the industry over the last few years , but Garg believes that where EKA stands apart is in how quickly the profits come to fold .
“ The speed in which companies can achieve real profitable benefits at the end are unlike anything these companies within the industry have seen before ,” he says .
Garg is also quick to admit that
EKA is not the only company in the market offering a series of service tools designed to achieve similar results . But he feels that EKA has a key advantage in its specific knowledge of the mining space , allowing the company to offer industry commodity specific solutions .
“ There are other companies that provide similar tools that digitise the value chain or the supply chain of a company , but these are much more technical , very rarely do these businesses fully understand their