Mining Magazine May 2016 | Page 13

GOLD MINES producing relatively high levels of gold , but the future of the mines depend on the possibility of maintaining workers .
A key problem with the area is the quality of the water and the risk to miners . Mining companies have invested in cleaning efforts to improve water quality and take measures to ensure any water released into the rivers does not contain dangerous elements . The water contamination requires a constant investment that impacts profitability ; however , the same efforts also increase the possibility for continued operations and profits over time .
The largest gold mines in the world produce tons of gold each year , but the possibilities for the future vary significantly based on the risks and complications . Safety concerns impact many of the largest gold mines , while complications with governmental authorities and problems with the quality of the ore impact the future of the companies . The key to selecting the right investment is focusing on the companies that have the best strategies to balance safety of the mines with managing high productivity .