Mining Magazine June 2018 | Page 98

Rouyn-Noranda , Canada 17 – 20 June
Korme Exhibition Center , Kazakhstan 19-22 June


Symposium 2018 on Mines and the Environment

Rouyn-Noranda , Canada 17 – 20 June
The Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue ( UQAT ) and the Canadian Institute of Mining , Metallurgy and Petroleum ( CIM ) are hosting the ‘ Symposium 2018 on Mines and the Environment ’, which is the result of a collaboration between the Research Institute on Mines and Environment ( RIME ) UQAT-Polytechnique , the Unité de Recherche et de Service en Technologie Minérale ( URSTM ), and many governing individuals and bodies and mining companies . The organisers say : “ The objectives of the Symposium are to share recent knowledge and research developments and to discuss common practices to find solutions that reconcile profitability and environmental protection .” Registration for the event opened in February 2018 . http :// rouyn-noranda2018 . cim . org / en

25 th World Mining Congress 2018

Korme Exhibition Center , Kazakhstan 19-22 June
The World Mining Congress is the largest industry event in MMC , which takes place every two to three years . The WMC is composed of world experts and scientists from 49 countries . The first Congress was held in September 1958 in Warsaw ( Poland ). The World Mining Congress 2018 will be held in Astana , in the Congress Center on the territory of “ EXPO 2017 ”. In the programme of the 25th anniversary World Mining Congress there is a number of specialised sessions that cover the range of topics of MMC : from exploration and production to enrichment , from risk assessment to attracting international financing . In parallel with the conference there will be an international specialised exhibition of equipment and technologies for the mining industry , and a number of industrial excursions to familiarise participants with scientific institutions and industrial enterprises of Kazakhstan . https :// wmc2018 . org / en /
98 June 2018