Mining Magazine June 2018 | Page 42

The current portfolio of Greatland Gold ?


GERVAISE HEDDLE : Our primary goal is taking assets up the value chain from very early stage exploration properties where they ’ re worth relatively little to late-stage exploration properties , where you ’ ve identified a major new mineralised system and something that ’ s worth a lot .
Like most exploration companies , we ’ re looking to identify and ideally want to prove these major new finds , and that ’ s our major mission . But it is a process . It takes time to prove those things out .
Callum Baxter : It ’ s creating shareholder value through discovery of large deposits , and we ’ re in the early stage of the game . And we find good assets and , as you said , bring them up the value chain , and our shareholders have been rewarded so far .
The current portfolio of Greatland Gold ?
Heddle : We ’ ve got six key projects , even though a couple of those projects are big enough that you could probably break them up into two or three projects , but we say at the moment we ’ ve got six major projects . All of those projects are 100 % owned by us . For me , that ’ s a key point of differentiation between us and many other junior explorers . There ’ s no royalties or other payment coming on them , and so that puts us in a great position .
Now in terms of six projects that are primarily focused on gold , we have four projects in Northern Australia , two in Tasmania . The key flagship project at the moment is Ernest Giles , where we ’ re exploring for gold .
Baxter : Our flagship project at the moment is Ernest Giles . It has been for a number of years . It covers a very large area in the eastern gold fields of Western Australia which host fairly large deposits , and our Ernest Giles project hosts a green stone sequence that ’ s undercover . Consequently , it ’ s never been explored in any great detail in the past . So , it ’ s just a matter of finding where the gold is and because it ’ s undercover , it has a few challenges , but we ’ re managing to push through those and employ some modern geophysics and drilling techniques .
Heddle : It had virtually no exploration work at all when Callum realised that there was large potential right there . It was essentially ‘ look , I think this is potentially another district that could host major gold deposits ’.
42 June 2018