Mining Magazine June 2018 | Page 31

the industry and , by hiring locally and supporting local business wherever possible , 73 % of today ’ s workforce at Peñasquito is from the local Zacatecas region .
“ Typically , a mine isn ’ t going to be near a large urban area and so it can be a challenge to attract good , young expertise ,” notes Kahl candidly . “ It is difficult , but we have been able to attract some very talented people . Ultimately , what it comes down to is that there ’ s got to be a good challenge for that individual , we have to be flexible with their work schedule , and we have to make sure it ’ s right for them .”
With such a root-and-branch transformation of its digital offering ,
Goldcorp has completely redefined its daily operations . Yet with such vast changes , Kahl says there has definitely been a cultural shift within the company to help promote this use of innovative technology .
“ We ’ re also trying to make our workforce more digitally-enabled ,” adds Kahl . “ In a portion of the pit , we ’ ve already implemented an electronic operator scorecard and in conjunction with this , we are aiming to more effectively utilise our work order management system .
“ I think in general it ’ s going to help us reduce our costs ,” he continues . “ Some of the issues we face on a dayto-day basis are fairly complex , and by utilising this we can really drive our
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