“ We were invited as the only gold supply-chain representative .”
“ While initially we were not clear on where the discussion would lead , we quickly caught on to the concept of a digital gold currency that was backed , and had its value supported by , conflict-free gold .” This was a novel concept a couple of years ago . Today it ’ s a lot more real . And tomorrow even more so .
G-Coin , first and foremost , is not a cryptocurrency , it is digital gold . It provides a digital certificate of ownership to physical gold stored in a secure vault , opening access to responsible gold as an investment , wealth transfer vehicle and payment mechanism .
As AbiDaoud admits , it ’ s not an answer to a business problem , it ’ s an opportunity to open up efficiency and profitability , all the while remaining committed to responsible , ethical gold sourcing .
Cina adds : “ It is not the only digital token of gold in the world , but what makes it different is that it is more than just a digital store of value . It
128 June 2018