Mining Magazine June 2018 | Page 121

Yamana Gold first worked with Emergent Technology back in 2016 , and this partnership is part of a larger strategy whereby the company has sought out new ways of implementing technology and innovation to refine its operations . As technology continues to shape the world of tomorrow , Joe AbiDaoud , Vice President , IT at Yamana Gold , understands that the very nature in which a mining company must operate is changing .
“ It ’ s no secret that every company in the world is becoming a technology company ,” he says . “ We work in a very cyclical industry that will forever go through ups and downs , and what we ’ ve begun to see in recent years is companies understanding that in order to stay competitive , they need to start doing things differently .”
And doing things differently is exactly what Yamana Gold has been doing as it undergoes a significant technology transformation .
But , as AbiDaoud notes , innovation and technology not only change the practical , physical element of mining , such as the automation of equipment , but innovation is almost driving the strategic thinking and direction of organisations . “ The industry as a whole has
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