very engaged , committed to the company , and make it happen . We work together and the collaboration among us is very clear .”
Such commitment extends towards Largos ’ strong relationships with its suppliers , which play a key part in its drive to lower ongoing costs .
“ We believe that if we have the right partners who look for excellence , we are going to be much more likely to succeed by working together to achieve a good result and a good performance ,” Misk says .
FUTURE GROWTH The company ’ s production of vanadium has been certified by all major producers of master alloys for the aerospace industry outside of China , as well as producers of vanadium master alloys who supply the western titanium industry . Additionally , Largo Resources
has also been approved to supply vanadium to redox flow battery developers and electrolyte producers in North America , Europe and China .
But where does Misk believe the company and the Vanadio de Maracás Menchen Mine project to be headed long-term ?
“ Our project , it ’ s unique considering the quality of our ore , the reaches , the grade , the technology that we have , and the product that we produce . We have the best quality in the world ,” he says .
“ We also are doing an exploration programme in order to increase our reserves , and we are developing our product in order to be able to supply all the vanadium needs regarding quality and regarding volume , now and in the future .” 112 June 2018