Mining Magazine July 2017 | Page 42


Andrew Stewart

Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer BSc , PhD , MAIG , MSEG & MAICD
Dr Andrew is an exploration geologist with over 15 years ’ experience in mineral exploration ; primarily focused on project generation , project evaluation and exploration strategy development throughout Asia and Eastern Europe . Andrew has particular expertise in porphyry copper-gold and epithermal gold deposits , but has worked across a diverse range of commodities . He holds a BSc ( Hons ) from Macquarie University and a PhD from the Centre of Ore Deposits and Exploration Studies at the University of Tasmania . During his time at Ivanhoe Mines and Vale , Andrew held various technical and management positions in Mongolia and Indonesia and has been involved in several green fields discoveries . After providing technical and program management for Vale in Indonesia and Mongolia , Andrew joined Xanadu Mines as Chief Geologist leading the gold and base metals project generation and evaluation team in Mongolia . Andrew has been Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Xanadu Mines since 2016 and prior to that had been Chief Executive Officer .
at high altitude , places with high rainfall or , like the beleaguered Grasberg mine in Indonesia , beset with political disruption .
While Xanadu ’ s peers are drilling at a cost of up to $ 600 a metre , Xanadu ’ s costs come in at around $ 100 , thanks to the open nature of the terrain plus the fact that all of the roads , power , water and other services that are required are already in place .
“ Particularly at Kharmagtai , this is the benefit gained from the infrastructure that goes in when one of the world ’ s biggest mining companies builds a tier one asset next door to our project ,” he admits .
All three projects that Xanadu is developing are in highly prospective deposits . The gold element is a critical differentiator between these Mongolian resources and others in South and Central America for example . “ These porphyry copper resources we see in Mongolia are probably the biggest gold resources globally ,” he says .
These are precisely the type of deposit that the major mining
42 July 2017