Since starting its international operations in 1999 , Byrnecut Offshore has grown into one of the most experienced underground mining contractors across the globe . Byrnecut Offshore currently employs over 1,000 people worldwide with operations in South Africa , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Tanzania , Ghana , Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan .
The Palabora Copper Operation is located on the outskirts of Phalaborwa , a town situated on the eastern border of Kruger National Park in the Limpopo Provence of South Africa . It has been in operation since 1956 , where it was initially mined though open-pit methods , and in the later stages by underground block caving . In order to extend the life of the project , a second block cave of production life is required .
In October 2011 , Byrnecut South Africa ( Pty ) Ltd entered an alliance style contract with Palabora Copper ( Pty ) Limited , to manage the safe execution of some 11,000m of underground development as part of the Lift II Early Works Development . The twin parallel declines ( consisting of a conveyor and service decline ) from the current operating Lift 1 Level down to the Lift 2 block cave footprint and other associated airway development are critical in extending the life of mine to 2030 .
Since the beginning of Byrnecut South Africa ’ s operation at the Palabora Copper Mine , development has continued with high speed mechanised trackless mobile mining methods and efficient safe systems of work – a standard unsurpassed in a shaft access mine in South Africa .
Byrnecut South Africa ( Pty ) Ltd has worked with Palabora Copper ( Pty ) Limited in an alliance style contract to reduce costs , up-skill South African employees and improve work ethic and safety culture . A comprehensive training and skills progression program of South African employees has been implemented by Byrnecut South Africa ( Pty ) Ltd in order to maintain a superior safety record and provide a sustainable contribution to both the local and wider community through knowledge and skills transfer .
BYRNECUT OFFSHORE PTY LTD www . byrnecutoffshore . com
130 Fauntleroy Avenue , Redcliffe , Western Australia 6104 Telephone : + 61 8 9373 1150 Facsimile : + 61 8 9373 1151