Above : Kirloskar Oil Engines supplies “ Industrial Engines ” which is widely used to power the application of the “ Drill Rig ”
“ There should be no fear of failure . You can think exponentially , freely and try out various ideas , so long as integrity is in place ”
– Sunil Walunjkar
a view to opening up possibilities in the Ivory Coast , Tanzania and Ghana where the focus is more on open-pit as well as underground operations .
Enriching lives at home Back in India the company ’ s engines have been upholding the country ’ s most important economic sector , farming .
It has spearheaded the world ’ s largest irrigation scheme and brought the Green Revolution to more than 4,600 towns and villages in droughtprone Saurashtra in Gujarat on the west coast .
Walunjkar added : “ When we say enriching lives what we mean is that our products and services will benefit the lives of those using it . Take today ’ s farmers , his grandfather was also using Kirloskar
78 July 2014