Mining Magazine July 2014 | Page 53


Key Personnel

Rachovides is positive that Europe can become a partner of choice within the mining industry .
“ The important thing through what we do is to point out where mining fits in the value chain and to get away from those old stereotypes ,” he said . “ We need a balanced , responsible approach to keep the value chains in the EU because it won ’ t contribute to our renaissance or our future if part of the value chain is being sourced outside when we have the ability to do it here .
“ We should be doing exploration and mining and processing and supplying to the people that need those raw materials . We can do the whole thing and that should make us the partner of choice because we should be showing ourselves as the leaders in terms of sustainable use of our resources .
Mark Rachovides President
Mark Rachovides is a consultant to Eldorado Gold Corporation and until recently was Chairman of Deva Gold , Eldorado ’ s subsidiary in Romania . He was formerly an Executive Director of European Goldfields which was acquired by Eldorado in early 2012 . Rachovides is a well-known specialist in South East Europe and Chairman of the Euromines Gold Group .
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