Mining Magazine February 2020 | Page 43

his predictions for the market over the next decade and elaborates on how Quellaveco will aid Anglo ’ s response . “ World copper use per person is expected to increase from 3kg to 4kg by the 2030s at a rate of 2.5 % per annum ,” he notes . “ If demand grows as forecast , we would require the equivalent of more than 20 new mines of Collahuasi ’ s size by 2030 .
“ Quellaveco has a confirmed mine life of 30 years and , based on other mines in the area , we would hope to see this expand in the future through exploration - as the deposit is open at depth and in all directions . It contains approximately 7.5 million tonnes of copper in ore reserves — enough to wire 80 million homes or equip 90 million electric vehicles . It will be one of the world ’ s most important copper mines , and a major source of supply for an increasingly industrialised world .”
The next set of milestones at Quellaveco include , structural steel installation , completion of the tailings starter dam , 43
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