Mining Magazine February 2020 | Page 29

10.5 % Average zinc-lead grade


Reserve base of 105.7mn MT

78 %

Share in India ’ s primary zinc industry

29 providing connections for visualisation and equipment tracking . “ They ’ re helping us to leverage digital to communicate in a way that keeps all of our teams aligned ,” he adds . “ We ’ re reducing the time of the track operations , improving the asset optimisation , and it ’ s helping us better predict our maintenance needs .”
Continuous alignment is a challenge that Gorain believes must be met to ensure all teams are looking at one truth with minimal manual intervention . “ There ’ s always resistance to change ,” he concedes . “ We want to make people think more about how we plan for the future across such a large workforce . Change management is always an issue , so we are educating employees about how digital is not going to take jobs away but create new ones in safer areas of the business with less physical labour requirements in different roles where technology can support them .”
The benefits of new technologies are evident with Gorain ’ s team ’ s recent initiatives on advanced
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