TOP 10
The mining , metals and quarrying industry represents an essential part of the UK ’ s industrial and economic landscape . The Cranfield University has worked specifically with the removal and storage of large volumes of top soil that happens during quarrying , and how to successfully return after quarrying ceases .
One student has focused her efforts on how to improve this management and advise on the best route back to productivity or “ return to nature .”
She conducted her awardwinning research at Ketton Quarry , were “ great work is being done to protect the biodiversity and quality of the removed top soil ” says Dr Mark Pawlett .
“ A quarry that engages with its surroundings , considers its impacts , and works to minimise ( and even improve ) the quality of the land it occupies will be a quarry that thrives and is supported by the local community and all its inhabitants , human and otherwise ” he said .
The Quarry Life Award , an international research competition for the promotion and education about biodiversity in quarries