we can fast track these plans ,” she adds . “ If we can bring in our product at a lower price there will be a bigger appetite for future investment from CNNC . We must leverage the technological advancement that ’ s happening in the world , and use it to our benefit . We ’ ll be looking at ways to mine more efficiently and use our human resources for thinking as well as physical work . We ’ ll also be looking at ways we take certain risks out of the business and make it an even safer place for our people to work at . Our focus will turn to the online monitoring of equipment and operations , using real time data for more reliable information , which in turn will help take our employees out of more risky environments . We ’ re proud of our safety record at Rössing ; in 2017 our safety performance was the best in the mine ’ s 44-year history , while last year we were again among the safest mining operations in Namibia , winning the Chamber of Mines ’ Safety Award for the second year running .”
The goal now for Davies and her team is to ride the current fluctuations of the uranium market and , with CNNC ’ s help , reposition Rössing Uranium for growth in the years to come . “ We have a new lease of life going forward and a reason to be excited for the future as we keep our people working for Namibia ’ s people .”
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