Mining Digital May 2021 | Page 52



Canepari : Newmonts biggest challenges
operations . Correlating our drill data with the block modelling allows us to make faster decisions based on real insights . If you look at the success ratio for exploration in mining , it ' s pretty low ; if we can improve that by a couple of percentage points , it will have a significant impact on our reserves . With data being generated across our organization , the ability to use artificial intelligence to tell us where our next drill site should be is a game-changer .”
Digital Transformation Compared to other industries , mining has been slow to adapt to new technologies . Canepari pledges Newmont is aiming to rethink the mining lifecycle . “ We ’ ve had a huge success with our first electrified mine at Borden , and we ’ re taking all the lessons learned from projects like these , and making them part of our Newmont mining model . Every new mine we ' re building , we ' re trying to re-create that digital transformation experience from our other mines .”
Rapid Discovery with IBM Digital transformation has been a major undertaking for the IT department at Newmont . “ The partnership with vendors like IBM , supports our work to consolidate our systems and further realize the synergies we have across the business since the acquisition of Goldcorp in 2019 .”
IBM was brought in through a rigorous RFP process . “ We demonstrated to Newmont that we would bring top talent , and keep them there , to effect the changes needed successfully and bring these two companies ’ systems together across finance , master data and supply chain management ,” recalls Gene Allen , a Partner at IBM Global Business Services . “ We had to learn how to dance together . We are both 100-year-old companies , but we used Rapid Discovery , an Enhance Program Launch and Agile methodology to help us deliver successfully together smoothly and efficiently .” IBM implemented Rapid Discovery to support this delivery . “ We were looking at
52 May 2021