Mining Digital July 2023 | Page 40

Borden Gold Case Study
Energy consumption after electrification , GWh / year

+ 115- 175 %

Increase in electricity demand after mobile fleet electrification
Current energy required
Fuel displaced
Additional electricity required
Future energy required
McKinsey & Company

Borden Gold Case Study

All-electric mines are not new . Newmont made its Borden Gold project in Canada all-electric back in 2019 , replacing all of its underground diesel fleet of trucks with BEVs . Newmont says this not only makes the mine more efficient but also improves health & safety and reduces the environmental footprint .
Newmont worked with Sandvik Mining and MacLean Engineering on the BEVs . The tech included drilling and blasting equipment , electric bolters , personnel carriers and a 40-tonne haul truck .
The company says it has reduced GHG emissions by 50 %, or 5,000 tonnes of CO2 per year , and reduced underground ventilation requirements by half .
40 July 2023